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OLAM 10$


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The word Olam means world and refers to all space that can be embraced through the sacred alignment of the Hebrew Lamed.



The Hebrew letters correspond to numbers and have value in Kabalah. In this posture Tsemach, Audi’s son gives you the value of each Hebrew letter in numbers.


in this image, Audi shfapes into the the postures that spell Shalom. Also interesting is that one can see the Hebrew letters of Shalom in the Om image


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Each Hebrew letter draws energy from the universe according to its unique shape and into our world. By shaping into the letters we can embrace this vitality and be the temple of light.

The mystics explain that the alignment of the mind, heart and body is translated into 32 paths of light. This unique image depicting this flow is ancient and was used by the kana lists as a map of the soul, connecting intention to our visual ability.

This chart maps out on the body the location of each energy channel empowering us to live according to our spiritual potential.


ABYA 10$

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ABY’A represents the four realms Kabalah explains as preceding the creation of earth. Each world draws into the infinite light of the creator to make possible the existence of our planet.


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The mystics explain that the mind comprises of three faculties each necessary for our connection to the light that exists in all things and people.
Chochma - wisdom comes from the supreme consciousness where the seed of all thoughts emerge.
Bina - understanding is the process of meditating on the seed of thought.
Da’at- is the point when the thought becomes internalized and part of our being .

The mystics explain how each sacred shape is connected to specific colors which elicit in us a certain character associated with the letter shape.

AFAR 10$

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Each Hebrew letter draws energy from the universe according to its unique shape and into our world. By shaping into the letters we can embrace this vitality and be the temple of light.

Each month of the year has its energy symbolized by a certain movement of light. In this poster, Audi spells the Hebrew name of each month according to the movement of the letters.

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Each Hebrew letter draws energy from the universe according to its unique shape and into our world. By shaping into the letters we can embrace this vitality and be the temple of light.

AISH 10$

AFAR 10$

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The Aish-Fire flow symbolizes a movement that taps into the fire of the heart. The mystics explain that when their is fire within being ignited, no form of darkness can ever conceal its light.

Because man came from the earth , we possess its qualities translated into growth. In this flow of the letter earth in Hebrew, we can bring awareness of our being, and blossom into our potential.

 in this posture, Audi moves his body into the shapes of the words Kabalah Yoga



Transliterated Chart 10$

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This poster depicts each Chakra-Sefira into the Star of David as a way of meditation and understanding.

CHAI 10$

Kabalah Yoga emerges from a creative space that when blossoms becomes art.


This poster groups together many of the poses into the categories of the Hebrew letters as templates and refers to their corresponding ABC’s



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Chai in Hebrew means life and is a popular symbol. The poster depicts the mantra in words and in movement with the background of a prayer about the ‘Chai’, life in all beings


Each Hebrew letter draws energy from the universe according to its unique shape and into our world. By shaping into the letters we can embrace this vitality and be the temple of light.

Sefirot 10$

This posture depicts the Salutations not just as a movement that prepares the body for a flow but also as an inner movement that prepares the soul for the deep practice into ‘Lech Lecha’ , meaning moving inside out.


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is the one word we all have in common, the search for peace, tranquility and harmony.


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This chart maps out on the body the location of each energy channel empowering us to live according to our spiritual potential.


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Each Hebrew letter draws energy from the universe according to its unique shape and into our world. By shaping into the letters we can embrace this vitality and be the temple of light.

Sefirot- Chakras Energy Centers: 10$

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The body is made up of mostly water and water carries oxygen. We can flow into the word Mayim to cultivate rhythm as we deepen our breath and movement of body and soul.

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The flow of Wind brings more awareness to our personal breath which emanates from the supreme breath known as Ruach which causes everything to grow, exist and be.

Kabalah explains that our spiritual body is made up of seven energy channels, each one helping and supporting the other to open in us more awareness. Similar to the Chakras, the Sefirot which means ‘lights’ , illuminate in us when they are activated through our actions, thoughts and words.


Thank You- ‘Modeh Ani’ 10$

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 Each moment is an opportunity to say thnk you r th life have and the breath we take.

Copyright 2018 Audi Gozlan, All rights reserved.

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